Simple Pleasures
Nail Polish: I love my new nail polish! It's a pretty, shimmery nude-pink color, and it was only a dollar. I love buying things that are cheap yet high quality. They haven't chipped yet! I feel like I'm 10 again.

New Frames: I also like my new Channel glasses from my Auntie. I don't even like the fact that they're Channel, but rather I like the pretty colors of the glasses. It's like a speckled almost leopard print color, and it makes me feel fierce. Meeeeeee-ow!

Blush: I like looking at blush. I don't even wear blush that much, but I just like the millions of colors that blush comes in. Like if you want to look sultry, you can wear a dark burnt-brick color to jazz up your face. But if you want to look simple, you can wear a peachy-keen color and it will set you in the perfect mood. I think I just like things that come in different colors in general.

Korean Food and Good Friends: I can't even begin to explain how many times a week I crave korean bbq, but aside from Korean Bbq, I crave good friends that can cook it too! I love going to Elis' place and cooking food with her. I look forward to it each time, and it makes me so happy! OH and KIMCHEE. I freakin' love Kimchee; it's reedonkulous.

Painting: I like painting. Specifically, trees and nature and anything with the color blue. I have 10 tubes of varying shades of blue in my paint collection and maybe 3-4 pink/red colors. I am definitely a tom-boy in that respect.

Sprinkles Cupcakes: I definitely have the biggest sweet tooth. I love cupcakes and chocolate and anything that will give me a million cavities. One thing in specific: Sprinkles Cupcakes. Yes they are pricey: $3-4 a cupcake, but they are SO worth it. Every single time I bite into one, I'm reminded why it was so worth that extra dollar.

Makeup: I don't wear makeup that much, but I like to collect it. I think it's fun to have so many possibilities when it comes to changing your look! You can look simple one day or super sultry the next depending on what eyeshadow or lip gloss you wear. I don't like to admit it to people, but I love playing dress up.

Water: I know this sounds weird, but ever since I was little, I've been fascinated by water-- oceans, pools, lakes, ponds, fish tanks. You name it, and I'll most likely like it. I think water is so refreshing. If I could, I would be a mermaid.

New Frames: I also like my new Channel glasses from my Auntie. I don't even like the fact that they're Channel, but rather I like the pretty colors of the glasses. It's like a speckled almost leopard print color, and it makes me feel fierce. Meeeeeee-ow!

Blush: I like looking at blush. I don't even wear blush that much, but I just like the millions of colors that blush comes in. Like if you want to look sultry, you can wear a dark burnt-brick color to jazz up your face. But if you want to look simple, you can wear a peachy-keen color and it will set you in the perfect mood. I think I just like things that come in different colors in general.

Korean Food and Good Friends: I can't even begin to explain how many times a week I crave korean bbq, but aside from Korean Bbq, I crave good friends that can cook it too! I love going to Elis' place and cooking food with her. I look forward to it each time, and it makes me so happy! OH and KIMCHEE. I freakin' love Kimchee; it's reedonkulous.

Painting: I like painting. Specifically, trees and nature and anything with the color blue. I have 10 tubes of varying shades of blue in my paint collection and maybe 3-4 pink/red colors. I am definitely a tom-boy in that respect.

Sprinkles Cupcakes: I definitely have the biggest sweet tooth. I love cupcakes and chocolate and anything that will give me a million cavities. One thing in specific: Sprinkles Cupcakes. Yes they are pricey: $3-4 a cupcake, but they are SO worth it. Every single time I bite into one, I'm reminded why it was so worth that extra dollar.

Makeup: I don't wear makeup that much, but I like to collect it. I think it's fun to have so many possibilities when it comes to changing your look! You can look simple one day or super sultry the next depending on what eyeshadow or lip gloss you wear. I don't like to admit it to people, but I love playing dress up.

Water: I know this sounds weird, but ever since I was little, I've been fascinated by water-- oceans, pools, lakes, ponds, fish tanks. You name it, and I'll most likely like it. I think water is so refreshing. If I could, I would be a mermaid.

thanks again for today <3
we'll repeat figure no.4 in the near future. :)
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